Malnutrition, Starvation and Hunger related diseases: The solution is a revolutionary food package that has been developed by some of the world’s leading food scientists at Cargill, Pillsbury, General Mills and ADM. This one package provides six nutritionally complete servings to feed starving children around the world as well as the hungry here at home. All for the low cost of 25 cents per serving!
This low cost packaged food is scooped, measured and heat sealed by teams of volunteers. Our Food Packing Events allow the community to come together to tackle the serious problem of hunger. The food packaged at our facility is currently distributed to local hungry families and families in storm ravaged areas.
Individuals, Clubs, Corporations, Churches, Temples and Civic Organizations are vital in the fundraising efforts to fund the 25 cent meals. After funds have been raised for the ingredients, volunteers come together and package the ingredients into the heat-sealed bags.
Those that sponsor the 25 cent meals – are encouraged to schedule a private packing party for co-workers, family and friends. Packing food for the hungry is a rewarding, engaging and truly a fun experience. There is a feeling of satisfaction – knowing that a hungry family will receive a healthy meal from the efforts of fundraising and packing food. It’s such a great opportunity to give back to the community.
We are mobile – we will travel within 180 miles of our location to host your private packing event! However, if there is a Kids Against Hunger satellite closer to you – we will help you connect with a local satellite. The mobile packing event will have a minimum pack of 7,128 meals and will incur an additional cost of 5 cents per meal to cover the transportation expenses.